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value added tax

Tax and Regulatory Matters for Foreign Investors in Nigeria

TAX AND REGULATORY MATTERS A FOREIGN INVESTOR MUST AVERT HIS MIND IN NIGERIA by Ayoade Apelegan Nigeria is ranked 131st on the World Bank’s 2020 Doing Business index. The ease of doing business score shows an economy’s absolute position relative to the best regulatory performance. The implication of this is that foreigners are on the lookout to establish businesses in…

Taxation of Unincorporated Businesses in Nigeria

Taxation of Unincorporated Businesses in Nigeria By Dare Onamakinde INTRODUCTION Unincorporated businesses are usually the sole proprietorship or the partnership business. They can be defined as a commercial enterprise that is privately owned by one person or more than one person(s), it has unlimited liability due to the fact that the business has not been formally registered as a company.…

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